Gie yer wark tae Gutter Magazine!

Gutter is a magazine o brent-new Scottish an international writin. We leuk for scrieve an verse that braigs, re-imaigines or cowps the status quo; that dings at the boonds o makkins and ettle; that is scancin an bonnie. Gutter Magazine is haund-festit tae creautin scowth for verse an scrieve in Scotland an ayont. For scrieve, we accept cutty tales, pairts o quairs an creautive non-fiction briefs. We will forby conseeder publishin play scrifts o literarie merit.

We parteecularly forder the sendin o wark fae writers wha are underrepresentit in the literarie warld: fowk o colour, writers wha wone or hae wonit wi scant means, writers fae ethnic an national groups birsed tae the mairgins, LGBTQ writers, an fowk writin in orra leeds. Gutter is investit in bieldin an biggin Scotland’s literary cultur, but seeks tae look ootwart - sae international writin is haudit within ilka issue.


Submissions are currently closed. Submissions will reopen in Autumn 2024.

Submissions are noo closed.

All sendins shuid be sent throu oor online yett.

Please save your work as ‘firstname_surname_poetry’ or ‘firstname_surname_prose’.


  • Write-font: Garamond, Times or Arial twal point, twa-spacet an justifiet.

  • If uisin fremmit or ferlie typography or sets, please eik a PDF tae yer submeeshun.

  • Uise single spaces atween sentences.

  • Gif ye are uisin quote-marks, uise single say-merks for direct sayin, an double say-merks for quotit sayin within direct sayin.

  • Employ italics for names o newspapers, magazines, beuks, chapbeuks, ships, an trains.

  • Employ single quotes for names o sangs, poems, stories.

  • Nae ‘apologetic apostrophes’ in yer Scots, aye?

  • Mind the bouk an page set o the magazine gif ye are sendin wark that is ettlin at new prattick or veesual slicht or jinks.


  • Aa wark must nivver hae been publisht, aither in print or online.

  • Wark shoud juist be submeettit in Word Documents. For concrete verse or wark o a veesual naitur, please send as a Word document wi a PDF an aa. Gin sendin a wheen o poems, mind tae sauf an send them within a single Word file – it maks oor darg much easier!

  • Please pit yer nem, hame address, postcode, an wird coont (or line coont in the case o verse) on a Heidin Page, alang wi a twinty-five wird life-brief anent ye.

  • Put yer nem at the heid o each page o yer Word document.

  • Sauf your work wi the filenem ‘firstname_surname_prose’ or ‘firstname_surname_poetry’. Forby, then pit on the issue nummer '_Gutter22' efter it.

  • Submeeshuns can haud up tae the feck o five bits o verse wi a hale tot o a hunner-an-twinty line; or for scrieve, up tae three-thousan wirds (this can be jist yin scrieve, pairt o a quair, or mony scrieve, but nae mair than 3000 wirds the hale). Sendins wi more than 3000 wirds o scrieve or 120 line o verse willnae be read.

  • Cravin cairds an hailsin letters are walcome but arenae necessar. Mind that the Eeditors dinnae read the emails, juist the yokit submeeshun files, tharefore aa eikit newsin whit perteens tae yer wark shuid be merked up on yer Heidin Page.

  • Successfu writers will be peyed a flat fee of £30 for wark publisht in Gutter, whasomiver lenth or style. This will be peyed by cheque wrote oot tae the screiver's nem, please let us ken if ye want peyin throu anither nem. Publisht writers will forby win a complimentary copy of the praisent nummer o Gutter.

  • All sendins shuid be sent throu oor online yett.

Please mind: Gutter is makkit by a gey sma team an we get a fair wheen o submeeshuns. The upshot o this is, we praisently cannae aye repone tae aabody's wark. Please tak tent o the submeeshun diet and haud by fae sendin wark lent tae Gutter to ither magazines the nou. Gif ye're in luck we'll contact ye suin or syne. Gin ye havenae haed a repone to your submeeshun within sax month, then gang yersel – ye're exeemt an free tae send yer wark elsewhaur!

Guid luck!